28-12-03 12:18
Debian base-passwd
Pri instalaciji paketa base-paasswd, pojavi se ovakav tekst:
Preparing to replace base-passwd 3.5.4 (using .../base-passwd_3.5.5_i386.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement base-passwd ...
Setting up base-passwd (3.5.5) ...
update-passwd has found some differences between your system accounts
and the current Debian defaults. It is advisable to allow update-passwd
to change your system; without those changes some packages might not work correctly. For more documentation on the Debian account policies please
see /usr/share/doc/base-passwd/README.
The list of proposed changes is:
Adding user "uucp" (10)
Removing user "sweep" (50)
Removing user "viruser" (50)
Changing gid of sync from 100 to 65534
Changing gid of games from 100 to 60
Changing GECOS of list from "SmartList" to "Mailing List Manager".
Changing home-directory of irc from /var to /var/run/ircd
Changing home-directory of nobody from /home to /nonexistent
Removing group "proc" (99)
Would commit 9 changes
It is highly recommended that you allow update-passwd to make these changes
(a backup file of modified files is made with the extension .org so you can
always restore the current settings).
May I update your system? [Y/n]
Ako samo udarite Enter, potvrditi ćete da želite izmjene. Poslijedice neće biti baš bezazlene: dobiti će korisnika uucp, koji vjerojatno nikome ne treba, ali ćete izgubiti korisnika sweep. Nakon toga neće vam raditi provjera virusa, jer se niti amavis niti sweep antivirus neće moći pokrenuti. Najvjerojatnije vam neće raditi ni sendmail, jer mu nedostaju input filteri.
Dakle, što uraditi? Jednostavno: copy&paste ovaj tekst, pa naknadno pogledajte da li je neka od stvari koje bi postinst skripta uradila korisna, pa to ma miru napravite sami.